
Showing posts with label Hunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hunting. Show all posts

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Tell FedEx and UPS to Stop Transporting Hunting Trophies

Mumbai 15th Aug 2015(Sana Sayed): Trophy hunter and Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer smiles over the corpse of an animal, who, like Cecil, only wanted to be left in peace.
As you have likely heard, a much-beloved lion named Cecil was recently lured out of the safety of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, shot with a crossbow by a Minnesota dentist, and left to suffer for 40 hours before he was shot again this time with a gun and killed. Cecil was then beheaded and skinned, leaving his family of cubs fatherless and vulnerable. In the wake of this atrocity, many airlines have announced that they will no longer transport animals killed by trophy hunters. However, FedEx and UPS are still providing transport services for hunting trophies.
Trophy hunting is a spineless pastime in which over privileged cowards pay a hefty price to be handed a weapon so that they can gun down innocent and magnificent animals. These hunts leave wild animals without their mates, parents, and offspring. Hunters, who lack compassion and respect for these living creatures, simply want another carcass that they can mount on their wall. As other renowned companies are taking a stand against this despicable pastime, it's time that FedEx and UPS follow suit.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

9 Things No One Told You About Hunting

Millions of animals are killed by hunters each year. 

Mumbai 15th Jul 2015(Sana Sayed): Hunters make up many excuses to justify their pastime. However, cruel, unnecessary killing—which is what hunting is—has no justification. 

1. REAL sports involve competition between consenting parties and don’t end with the deliberate death of one unwilling participant.

2. Wildlife departments often cull majestic predators, such as wolves, bears, and coyotes, to prevent predation on elk, caribou, and deer so that hunters will have more animals to gun down.

3. Natural phenomena such as predators, starvation, and disease kill primarily the sickest and weakest individuals. Hunters, on the other hand, strive to kill the larger, stronger animals because they want to hang their heads on a wall, and this weakens the remaining population.

4. Most hunting occurs on private land, where laws that protect wildlife are often ignored or difficult to enforce.

5. When animals are killed, families are broken up, often leaving young animals to perish of starvation or attacks by other animals. For animals such as wolves, who mate for life and live in close-knit family units, hunting can devastate entire communities.

6. Hunters often accidentally injure and kill animals other than the ones who are being hunted, including horses, cows, dogs, and cats. Sometimes hunters even injure or kill themselves or other humans, such as hikers and other hunters.

7. Dogs used for hunting are often kept chained or penned and are denied routine veterinary care. Some dogs are lost during hunts, and others are turned loose at the end of hunting season to fend for themselves.

8. Hunted animals often don’t die painlessly or quickly. Many animals must be shot multiple times. A British study found that some wounded deer suffered for more than 15 minutes before dying.


9. When injured animals escape from hunters, they usually endure prolonged, painful deaths as a result of predation, shock, or exposure.

Stop the bloodshed by refusing to go hunting and by sharing this page and educating people about hunting.

Nature's Green Guardian for Health and Harmony

  Neem is Nature's Green Guardian for Holistic Well-being Mumbai, 3 Nov 2023 Saba Sayed:  In a world driven by synthetic solutions, nat...